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Friday, September 18, 2009

Resume cover Letter

I have post some resume cover letter here,hope its usefull to you.
Maitry society

Ms. Jacqueline Newton,
Travelsavers Head Office,
Harvard Sq.,
Cambridge, MA.
Dear Ms. Newton,
In response to your advertisement in the American Travel Trade Magazine earlier this week, I enclose my resume in application for a position as a Travel Consultant within your firm.
I have been employed within the travel industry for over seven years and have amassed a considerable amount of knowledge and experience between my work as a travel representative and a sales agent. I have travelled widely within my job, and participated in many educational trips to gain an appreciation of the resorts and holidays we sell.
In my last role I have managed a large client base delivering considerable repeat customer business over the past number of years. I am committed, enthusiastic and eager to learn about new aspects of the business.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for taking the time to consider my application and look forward to meeting with you soon.

sneha makawana

Maitry society


Ms. Sally Bruce,Manager,

The Shamrock Restaurant,
132 Copley Square,
Boston, MA

Dear Ms Bruce,
Please find enclosed my resume in application for a part time position on your waiting staff in response to your advertisement in the Boston Times of yesterdays date.
From my resume you will see that I have gained a lot of experience in this role over the past number of years having worked on the waiting staff for many of the larger restaurants in the downtown Boston area. I have always proven a reliable and flexible member of the team and would like to take the opportunity to assure you that if I were to be successful in obtaining this position I would commit to working the hours required to meet your needs
If you should like to seek any clarification on the information contained in my resume I am contactable at the above numbers.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


Maitry society

Ms. Jade Layton,Manager,

The Olive Shamrock Restaurant,
120 Main St,Downtown Boston,
Boston, MA

Dear Ms Layton,
Please find enclosed my resume in application for a part time position as a Bar Attendant at your restaurant.
As you will see from my resume I have considerable experience in this role having worked in several establishments in the Boston area. I can arrange my hours to suit your needs and will prove to be a flexible hardworking member of the team if I were to be successful in my application.
I shall call you at the restaurant on Friday to arrange a meeting for a convenient time to discuss this opportunity further.
Thanking you in advance.

Yours sincerely,


Thursday, September 17, 2009

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A man who does not think and plan ahead will find trouble at his door

For getting success in your life planning is very important & here article who want success in life.If you want success in your life You must read it.

The Importance of planning.

Planned or unplanned activity makes a difference. Carrying out an activity by fits and starts, spasmodic and desultory dabbling never produces the same result as work carried on with a definite purpose and clear-cut lines.If G.B. Shaw had not made it a strict rule to do first things first, he would probably have failed as a writer and might have remained a bank cashier all his life. His plan called for writing five pages each day. That plan and his dogged determination to carry it through saved him. That plan inspired him to go right on writing five pages a day for nine heart-breaking years, even though he made a total of only ... about a penny a day.He snapped his fingers at circumstances and said, “People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.”No magician ever pulled a rabbit out of a hat without carefully putting one there in the first place. No man can hope to arrive if he does not know whither he is going. He will be like a ship without a rudder, adrift at the mercy of wind and tide or of circumstances.The difference between planned activity and unplanned activity is brought out crisply by Victor Hugo: “He who every morning plans the transactions of the day, and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life. The orderly arrangement of his time is like a ray of light which darts itself through all his occupations. But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incidents, all things lie huddled together in one chaos, which admits of neither distribution nor review.”The secret of success in any field of endeavour, including study lies in six magic words: PLAN YOUR WORK; WORK YOUR PLAN

How to plan your study-work?

In coping with any course of study make yourself (1) a long-term plan embracing the total time you have at your disposal; and (2) short-term plans, monthly, fortnightly, or weekly as may be convenient.For making the long-term plan find out all about the syllabuses you have to cover, the text books and other material you must read and learn, the practical work you have to cover and other requirements which you have to satisfy. This long-term plan may have to be revised from time to time, but you should have an over-all picture of your study-work and the time-range of your plan.The long-term plan may be split up into periodical short-term plans in which you can set yourself targets for important pieces of work.Keep a record of the progress of your plans-in-action.

How to work your plans?

Your plans will work only if you work them. Give top priority to their implementation. Put your whole heart into them. Strive with both your body and mind towards hitting your targets.Give each stage in your plans your undivided attention. Don’t look farther than each stage, thereby following the example of the mountaineer who cuts steps in the ice, refusing to look up at the heights or down into the depths because the sight of either would terrify him.A French sage remarks pertinently, “The fool thinks every thing is easy and comes in for many rude awakenings; the sluggard believes that all is impossible, and undertakes nothing; the good workman knows that great things are possible, and prudently, little by little, he accomplishes them.”The homely saying “Little by little and bit by bit” teaches patience and perseverance. Don’t be discouraged by the size of the task you have to do. Stick to it and you will achieve success. The well-known fable of the hare and the tortoise teaches us that slow but sure, wins the race. The race was won by the slow tortoise, which plodded steadily on while the hare, over-confident of victory, took things too easily.To persist you need the ability to turn a deaf ear to the remarks of other people. Some will tell you that you cannot succeed because you lack brains, brawn, skill, time and so on. Others will tempt you to leave work for more pleasurable occupations. Do what you have planned inspite of discouragement and temptations of others. Then the day will come quickly when you will have the satisfaction of reaching your goals and free time for pleasure while others are still dabbling, wobbling and struggling.You never hear of quitters. They never attain success or happiness. They go through life leaving a trail of unfinished jobs—what can they possibly lead to but frustration and failure? A winner never quits; a quitter never wins. I

Frame a time-table:

Indispensable needFor successful study a time-table is an indispensable need. As the old saying has it, what may be done at any time is done at no time. When you don’t work to a time-table but work only when the fit is on you, your study will become spasmodic.Advantages of a time-tableThe advantages of a time-table are many: (i) The first advantage is the saving in time and effort. Without it you are likely to spend much time in decision—in making up your mind when and what to study. A lot of energy is uselessly consumed in trying to choose between alternatives and in screwing up your resolution to work. As William James has it, “There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision.”(ii) The second advantage is the proper use of time. It is ‘fatally easy’ to fritter time away. If you do not impose set hours on yourself, you are more likely to spend the time when you should be studying, in watching TV, reading a magazine, conversing idly over cups of tea or in doing any of those hundred and one things which weak and irresolute persons are ready to do rather than buckle to work. If you have a time-table and mean to stick to it, “it has all the force of a law which must be obeyed, and in time adherence to it becomes effortless, and you begin to regard it as a natural part of your life.”(iii) The third advantage lies in the saving that comes from intelligent dovetailing of your various activities; in ensuring that you do each work at the best possible time; and eventually in the self-confidence and sense of competence which comes from regular daily work. (iv) The fourth advantage is that a time-table is an antidote against procrastination. Procrastination—deferring things from day to day—wastes a lot of time and usually ends in nothing being done at all. Edward Young who coined the famous proverb ‘Procrastination is the thief of time’, also exhorts, “Be wise today; ’tis madness to defer.” (v) A time-table makes for efficiency. “A sense of the value of time”, says Arnold Bennett, “that is, of the best way to divide one’s time into one’s various activities—is an essential preliminary to efficient work; it is the only method of avoiding hurry.”(vi) Finally, a carefully worked out time-table will help you to keep up to date, to form good study habits and to persevere.

How to frame a time-table?

In the light of psychological research, the following guidelines are suggested for making a time-table:(1) A time-table is a guide. It is an aid, not a task-master. It must be flexible. It can be changed from time to time to meet present needs and exigencies.(2) As much as possible use your day time hours for study. During the day our attitude towards work is more positive, and as a rule, we have more energy and are less fatigued.(3) Do not be too heroic: In order that you may live up to your time-table base it on a careful estimate of your capacity for work. A time-table that falls through has its disastrous aftermath. Fix a number of hours that you know to be within your powers.(4) Having estimated the total amount of time to be given to study, settle in what order these subjects should occur in your time-table bearing the following principles in mind:(a) The more difficult subjects should come first and the easiest last.(b) While the hardest subjects should generally come first and the easiest last, there is room for a certain alteration of the easy and the difficult. After a very hard subject a very easy one may be used as a kind of rest after the strain. But the alteration should be according to the different kinds of subject. For example, international law should be followed by sociology and mathematics by history.(5) Introduce a variety of different kinds of tasks: spend some time reading, some writing, some on revision and so on. Follow a period of sociology with a period of geography. As Martin Rhodes observes, “Your mind responds to variety which prevents it from becoming stale and helps to keep it alert and lively.”(6) Have a target for each period of study, a fixed quota of work to get through, such as a chapter to read, an essay to write.(7) Don’t be overly rigid in the use of your time-table. If you cannot finish your target work at the exact moment when a new subject is due, don’t stop when a few more moments might produce all the difference between complete and incomplete task.(8) The length of the study periods to be devoted to each subject will depend upon the nature of the subject and your stage of advancement. Experts have suggested various periods (i) 40 minutes; (ii) 45 to 90 minutes and more. As a general rule 60 minutes forms a suitable average period of study for a subject.(9) It is necessary to give equal time to your subjects. If you find a particular subject difficult allot more time to it than to others.

Adhere to your time-tableHaving drawn up your time-table, adhere to it.

You must be ruthless and self-disciplined and permit only special circumstances to interfere with it: “See first that the design is wise and just, That ascertained, pursue it resolutely, Do not for one repulse forego the purpose That you resolved to effect.”George Stephenson, when addressing young men, was accustomed to sum up his best advice to them in the words, “Do as I have done—persevere.”If you want to reach your goal, you will have to give up your giving up and replace it with dogged perseverance. Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton once wrote: I hold to a doctrine, to which I owe not much, but all the little I ever had, namely, that with ordinary talent, and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.Planning your work and working your plan will ensure your success. Make it a habit to work to your time-table. “Habit is a second nature! Habit is ten times nature”, the Duke of Wellington is said to have exclaimed. Keep to this habit till you reach your goal. And don’t ever be discouraged if every shot is not a bull’s-eye.


Every one want to get Success in life.
you are also one of them right?
Here I have write article read it its really wonderful,also give list of sites which helps you for your Excellent carrier.

What you make of your life and career depends mostly on your mental attitude and not so much on aptitude. Aptitude is readiness to learn or natural ability. Attitude is a collection of opinions hardened into a studied position. It is more important than aptitude in the matter of career advancement.You can regard the routine study and effort as a boring round of familiar, uninspiring chore. It is easy to brush it away as unnecessary framework for achievement. In the same way, you can take either a positive or negative attitude to your success and failure.You can dismiss success as a fluke, unlikely to happen again. Or you may regard it as an opportunity for future and further achievement. It is your attitude that matters.You can allow failures and setbacks to brake your progress, looking on them as proof that you cannot succeed. you may invent an alibi that you aimed too high.Alternatively, you may take the positive line of learning. Obviously, the right attitude is the positive one. This attitude leads to achievement.You can acquire this attitude. Yes. you have to break the hold of the negative. You cannot cultivate the positive attitude if your mind is dominated by the negative. You cannot achieve anything if you do not have the courage to try. Try to throw the negative out. Replace it with the positive.Assess your abilities. Know your strong as well as weak points. Strengthen your plus points. Fill in the deficiencies. List the qualities that make you, in your own estimation, a unique person. This will make you feel more positive about yourself.Watch your words. use bright, optimistic expressions about your own self; steer clear of discouraging and disparaging. Draw attention to the positive. Turn your back on back-biting. When a person is being painted black, do not join the chorus. Try to put in a good word.Keep distance from chronic nags. They always speak destructively. Do not talk with them about your future plans and programmes. It is foolish to invite discouragement. Drop the chronophages, and the nags. They prove millstones round your neck.Positive mental attitude means refusing to cave in when things go wrong. There is nothing bad in failing, but it is a disgrace failing and not trying again. Give yourself another chance, gaining from the experience of failure.You can believe in success by acting as though you already had this valuable quality. The right attitude turns even the worst of negative, crippling failure to a positive, thrilling success. your mental attitude must be turned to achievement if you want to achieve.Even the blazing sun cannot burn a hole in a tissuepaper unless its rays are focused and concentrated on one spot! The fact is that you have the spark which can ignite success. You have the mental ability that can take you high. Then, what is wrong? What is holding you back? You are using only a fraction of your real brainpower. If you do not focus your mind, you lack determination to get to a goal. Your desire to get to the goal is not strong enough.Concentration is another name of stickability. Improve your power of concentration by coming to a realisation of the cost of its opposite-inattention. Lack of concentration means failure to hit the bull’s eye which means waste of energy, time and effort. But more than that, it means shattering of self-confidence.Focus now on a course you had enrolled in but abandoned because you had a wandering mind. Incomplete or badly done tasks give you a let-down. They make you pay a high price for inattention and lack of concentration.Discipline your mind to ward off distractions. Deal with one thing at a time. Be like the doctor who says, “One patient at a time.”Harness imagination to accomplish your goal. Visualise to realise. See yourself enjoying the privileges and power which follow after you reach your goal.Concentration means directing the wayward mind into a predetermined stream. You do it by assaulting your mind with questions that collect the wayward threats and put them on the main theme.Shut out the irrelevant. This helps you reach the desired objective. You cannot concentrate effectively on something trivial or of no significance. Visualise the completed task. See yourself finishing it.


People who perform complicated tasks at work, tend to develop an intellectual flexibility that they carry to other parts of their life and are more independent-minded and open to new experiences than those who perform routine jobs. They also select intellectually activities for their leisure pursuits. A satisfied worker is more productive than one who is not. Instead of satisfaction contributing to greater job accomplishment, it is the sense of accomplishment, doing well on the job that makes the one feel competent and contended.


For most, earning salary is the primary incentive for having a job. But other factors do play their role. Among them are the needs to feel productive, to meet challenges, and to be creative. These lead to inner wellness. A job can build a sense of competence and self-esteem. Individuals attain social status through their jobs.Many people also cite the companionship of their co-workers as a reason to work. Which factors are most important, depend on the individual and his or her background, expectations and goals. In most surveys, majority of professionals report enjoying their work. This is partly explained by the high income levels in such professions as medicine and law.Experts now believe that instead of being the right kind of person, a successful executive is one who happens to be in the right place at the right time. Events then mould the individual into an effective one.His capability depends on how his or her leadership style fits the work situation involved. The most revealing trait is whether he tends to give priority to getting a job done or to having good relations with workers.Job-oriented chiefs fare better in situations where workers already get along well with one another and the task to be done is clearly defined.A chief is not likely to get the best out of employees, if he or she is constantly giving mixed signals,delegating responsibilities but not power, and failing to define the job to be done. A poor communicator makes a poor leader. So does a one-man company.The effectiveness of a chief may change with circumstances. For example, an entrepreneur can be outstanding in spurring a small group to start a successful enterprise but may not be good at handling the complex organisational problems of an expanding organisation. One may be good at expanding but not at handling.

Monday, September 14, 2009

All competative exam Guru

General Knowledge : Solved Paper

1. Which one of the following is used as a mordant in dyeing and tanning industry ?
(A) Magnesium oxide
(B) Magnesium carbonate
(C) Magnesium chloride
(D) Magnesium sulphate
Ans : (D)

2. By which one of the following, an old written material which cannot be read easily, can be read ?
(A) γ–rays
(B) X–rays
(C) IR–rays
(D) Radiofrequency waves
Ans : (B)

3. Which one of the following characteristics is common among parrot, platypus and kangaroo ?
(A) Oviparity
(B) Toothless jaws
(C) Homothermy
(D) Functional postanal tail
Ans : (C)

4. Which one of the following petroleum refinery products has the lowest boiling point ?
(A) Kerosene
(B) Diesel
(C) Gasoline
(D) Lubricating oil
Ans : (C)

5. In which one of the following places was Asia’s first Export Processing Zone (EPZ) set up ?
(A) Santa Cruz
(B) Kandla
(C) Cochin
(D) Surat
Ans : (B)

6. Which one of the following feature films is official nominee for Oscar, 2008 from India ?
(A) Rock on
(B) Walu
(C) Drona
(D) Tare Jamin Par
Ans : (D)

7. What is the correct chronological order of conferring Bharat Ratna to the following ?
1. M. S. Subbalakshmi
2. Professor Amartya Sen
3. Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
4. Sushri Lata Dinanath Mangeshkar
Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4
(B) 3, 1, 2, 4
(C) 2, 1, 4, 3
(D) 4, 3, 1, 2
Ans : (B)

8. Which one of the following zones of the atmosphere is rich in ozone gas ?
(A) Mesosphere
(B) Troposphere
(C) Stratosphere
(D) Ionosphere
Ans : (C)

9. Which one of the following is an example of vestigial organ in man ?
(A) Jaw apparatus
(B) Ear muscles
(C) Canine teeth
(D) Humerus
Ans : (B)

10. Which one of the following is a free-living bacterium that helps in nitrogen fixation in soil ?
(A) Azotobacter
(B) Anabaena
(C) Azolla
(D) Nostoc
Ans : (A)

11. Which one of the following is associated with the formation of brown air in traffic congested cities ?
(A) Sulphur dioxide
(B) Nitrogen oxide
(C) Carbon dioxide
(D) Carbon monoxide
Ans : (A)

12. Which one of the following is the permissible level of noise in a silent zone at daytime ?
(A) 50 dB
(B) 60 dB
(C) 65 dB
(D) 75 dB
Ans : (A)

13. Which one of the following is the first National Park established in India ?
(A) Bandipur
(B) Corbett
(C) Velavadar
(D) Periyar
Ans : (B)

14. Bryophytes are photosynthetic but do not have vascular tissue and true roots. This feature enables them to resemble with which of the following ?
(A) Fungi
(B) Algae
(C) Pteridophytes
(D) Angiosperms
Ans : (B)

15. The genetically engineered ‘Golden Rice’ is rich in which of the following ?
(A) Vitamin A and nicotinic acid
(B) β-carotene, Vitamina A and folic acid
(C) β-carotene and iron
(D) Vitamin A and niacin
Ans : (B)

16. Consider the following statements—
1. National Parks are a special category of protected areas of land and sea coasts where people are an integral part of the system.
2. Sanctuaries are concerned with conservation of particular species.
3. Biosphere Reserves are connected with the habitat of a particular wild animal.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 2 only
(C) 1 and 2 only
(D) 1 and 3 only
Ans : (B)

17. Which one of the following is categorized as millet ?
(A) Wheat
(B) Rice
(C) Sorghum
(D) Maize
Ans : (C)

18. The plant dye Henna imparts organge-red colour to skin and hairs due to its reaction with which of the following ?
(A) Proteins and amino acids
(B) Lipids
(C) Carbohydrates
(D) Nucleic acids
Ans : (A)

19. Which one of the following plants is preferred for mixed cropping in order to enhance the bioavailability of nitrogen ?
(A) Wheat
(B) Gram
(C) Maize
(D) Barley
Ans : (B)

20. The ‘Red Data Book’ containing information on all wild plants and animals in danger of extinction has been published by which one of the following ?
(A) International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)
(B) World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
(C) World Conservation Union (WCU)
(D) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Ans : (A)

21. Wavelengths of which of the following colours of the visible spectrum of light are maximally absorbed by green plants ?
(A) Green and Yellow
(B) Red and Blue
(C) Green and Red
(D) Blue and Yellow
Ans : (B)

22. Consider the following regions of India—
1. Western Ghats
2. Aravali Hills
3. Eastern Himalayas
Which of the above is/are biodiversity hot spot/hot spots ?
(A) 1 only
(B) 1 and 3 only
(C) 2 and 3 only
(D) 1, 2 and 3
Ans : (B)

23. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
List-I (Medicinal Product)
(a) Quinine
(b) Morphine
(c) Penicillin
(d) Tetracycline
List-II (Source)
1. Poppy plant
2. Bacterium
3. Cinchona bark
4. Fungus
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 4 1 2
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 3 1 4 2
(D) 2 1 3 4
Ans : (C)

24. A Forgotten, Empire, written by the renowned historian Robert Sewell is about which one of the following Empires ?
(A) Kushan Empire
(B) Mauryan Empire
(C) Vijayanagar Empire
(D) Mughal Empire
Ans : (C)

25. Which one of the following is considered as the drug of last resort for human being ?
(A) Penicillin
(B) Tetracycline
(C) Chloramphenicol
(D) Streptomycin
Ans : (C)

Directions—The following five (5) items consist of two statements, one labelled as ‘Assertion (A)’ and the other as ‘Reason (R)’. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the correct answers to these items using the code given below—
Codes :
(A) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(B) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(C) A is true but R is false
(D) A is false but R is true

26. Assertion (A) : Venus is the brightest object in the sky after the sun.
Reason (R) : Venus is the second planet from the sun in our solar system.
Ans : (B)

27. Assertion (A) : Despite low evaporation and stable stratification of the atmosphere, salinity is high in polar regions.
Reason (R) : Sea water freezes leaving the remaining water saline than before.
Ans : (D)

28. Assertion (A) : Physiological density is preferable to arithmetic density as an index of population density.
Reason (R) : Physiological density is based on arable land while arithmetic density is based on total area.
Ans : (D)

29. Assertion (A) : Water in an open pond remains cool even on a hot summer day.
Reason (R) : Water on heating evaporates and heat energy gets converted into latent heat.
Ans : (A)

30. Assertion (A) : Soaps do not form lather with water containing salts of calcium and magnesium.
Reason (R) : Calcium and magnesium salts of long-chain fatty acids are insoluble in water.
Ans : (A)

31. The head of a district (Ahara), the principal coordinator of the revenue and the officer in charge of general and military functions in his jurisdiction during Mauryan Empire was known as—
(A) Krori
(B) Rajuka
(C) Foujdar
(D) Chirastadar
Ans : (B)

32. Which one among the following States has the highest gender disparity ?
(A) Orissa
(B) Uttar Pradesh
(C) Haryana
(D) Maharashtra
Ans : (C)

33. Who among the following recommends to the Parliament for the abolition of the Legislative Council in a State ?
(A) The President of India
(B) The Governor of the concerned State
(C) The Legislative Council of the concerned State
(D) The Legislative Assembly of the concerned State
Ans : (D)

34. Nail polish remover contains—
(A) acetone
(B) benzene
(C) petroleum ether
(D) acetic acid
Ans : (A)

35. Who among the following had moved the objectives resolution which formed the basis of the Preamble of the Constitution of India in the Constituent Assembly on December 13, 1946 ?
(A) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
(B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(C) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(D) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans : (D)

36. Which one of the following is the largest Committee of the Parliament ?
(A) The Public Accounts Committee
(B) The Estimates Committee
(C) The Committee on Public Undertakings
(D) The Committee on Petitions
Ans : (B)

37. Who among the following was not a member of the Constituent Assembly ?
(A) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(B) Acharya J. B. Kriplani
(C) Lok Nayak Jayprakash Narayan
(D) K. M. Munshi
Ans : (C)

38. In which of the following years the Fundamental Duties have been added to the existent Fundamental Rights in the Constitution of India ?
(A) 1965
(B) 1976
(C) 1979
(D) 1982
Ans : (B)

39. Consider the following statements with respect to Attorney General of India—
1. He is appointed by the President.
2. He must have the same qualifications as are required by a judge of High Court.
3. In the performance of his duties he shall have the right of audience in all courts of India.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
(A) 1 only
(B) 1 and 3 only
(C) 2 and 3 only
(D) 1, 2 and 3
Ans : (B)

40. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
List-I (Provision of the Constitutio of India)
(a) Amendment of the Constitution
(b) Directive Principles
(c) Emergency Power of the President
(d) The Union-State Relations
List-II (Source)
1. Constitution of Germany
2. Constitution of Canada
3. Constitution of South Africa
4. Irish Constitution
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 4 3
(B) 3 4 1 2
(C) 1 4 2 3
(D) 3 1 4 2
Ans : (B)

41. Who among the following was elected as the President of All-India Khilafat Conference met at Delhi in November 1919 ?
(A) Motilal Nehru
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) M. A. Jinnah
(D) Shaukat Ali
Ans : (B)

42. According to Article 164(1) of the Constitution of India, in three States there shall be a Minister incharge of tribal welfare who may in addition be in charge of the welfare of the Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes.
Which one of the following States is not covered by the Article ?
(A) Jharkhand
(B) Punjab
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Orissa
Ans : (B)

43. In which of the following years was the All-India Trade Union Congress formed in Bombay ?
(A) 1918
(B) 1919
(C) 1920
(D) 1921
Ans : (C)

44. Which one of the following is the correct chronological order of the tenures of the following Presidents of Indian National Congress ?
1. Jagjivan Ram
2. K. Kamraj
3. P. D. Tandon
4. U. N. Dhebar
Select the correct answer using the codes given below—
Codes :
(A) 1, 2, 4, 3
(B) 2, 3, 4, 1
(C) 3, 4, 2, 1
(D) 3, 4, 1, 2
Ans : (C)

45. Who among the following was the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha ?
(A) M. A. Ayyangar
(B) G. V. Mavalankar
(C) Sardar Hukam Singh
(D) N. Sanjiva Reddy
Ans : (B)

46. In which of the following years was General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) absorbed into the World Trade Organization (WTO) ?
(A) 1991
(B) 1995
(C) 2000
(D) 2005
Ans : (B)

47. Consider the following statements— X-rays
1. can pass through thin sheets of aluminium
2. can be deflected by magnetic field
3. move with a velocity less than the velocity of ultraviolet rays in vacuum
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 1 only
(C) 2 and 3 only
(D) 1 and 2 only
Ans : (B)

48. If a small raindrop falls through air—
(A) its velocity goes on increasing
(B) its velocity goes on decreasing
(C) its velocity goes on increasing for some time and then becomes constant
(D) it falls with constant speed for some time and then its velocity increases
Ans : (C)

49. Television signal cannot be received generally beyond a particular distance due to—
(A) curvature of the earth
(B) weakness of antenna
(C) weakness of signal
(D) absorption of signal in air
Ans : (A)

50. Because of which one of the following factors, clouds do not precipitate in deserts ?
(A) Low pressure
(B) Low humidity
(C) High wind velocity
(D) High temperature
Ans : (B)

51. Which one of the following is an object with such a strong gravitational field that even light cannot escape from its surface ?
(A) Neutron star
(B) White dwarf
(C) Black hole
(D) Supernova star
Ans : (C)

52. Which one of the following is a medium range surface to air missile ?
(A) Trishul
(B) Nag
(C) Prithvi
(D) Akash
Ans : (D)

53. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
List-I (Vitamin)
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin B1
(c) Vitamin C
(d) Vitamin E
List-II (Chemical Compound)
1. Thiamin
2. Retinol
3. Ascorbic acid
4. Tocopherol
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 1 3 2
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 4 3 1 2
(D) 2 1 3 4
Ans : (D)

54. Which one of the following is the tide produced as a consequence of moon and sun pulling the earth in the same direction ?
(A) Spring tide
(B) Neap tide
(C) High tide
(D) Low tide
Ans : (C)

55. Aqua regia used by alchemists to separate silver and gold is a mixture of—
(A) hydrochloric acid (concentrated) and nitric acid (concentrated)
(B) hydrochloric acid (concentrated and sulphuric acid (concentrated)
(C) nitric acid (concentrated) and sulphuric acid (concentrated)
(D) hydrochloric acid (dilute) and sulphuric acid (dilute)
Ans : (A)

56. Commercial vulcanization of rubber involves—
(A) sulphur
(B) carbon
(C) phosphorus
(D) selenium
Ans : (A)

57. In which one of the following is higher percentage of carbon found ?
(A) Lignite coal
(B) Peat coal
(C) Bituminous coal
(D) Anthracite coal
Ans : (D)

58. Which one of the following when dissolved in H2O gives hissing sound ?
(A) Limestone
(B) Slacked lime
(C) Soda lime
(D) Quicklime
Ans : (D)

59. The rusting of iron nail—
(A) decreases its weight
(B) increases its weight
(C) does not affect weight but iron is oxidized
(D) does not affect weight but iron is reduced
Ans : (B)

60. Which one of the following is heavy water used in nuclear reactor ?
(A) Water having molecular weight 18 amu
(B) Water having molecular weight 20 amu
(C) Water at 4°C but having molecular weight 19 amu
(D) Water below the ice in a frozen sea
Ans : (B)

61. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
Country — Currency
(A) Brazil — Reais
(B) China — Yuan
(C) Mexico — Pesos
(D) Thailand — Ringgit
Ans : (D)

62. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
List-I (City)
(a) Bangaluru
(b) Chennai
(c) Motera
(d) Jaipur
List-II (Stadium)
1. Sawai Mansingh
2. Sardar Patel
3. Chinnaswami
4. Chidambaram
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 3 4 2 1
(C) 1 3 2 4
(D) 3 2 4 1
Ans : (B)

63. Who among the following had won the Wimbledon Women’s Singles Title, 2008 ?
(A) Ana Ivanovic
(B) Maria Sharapova
(C) Serena Williams
(D) Venus Williams
Ans : (D)

64. Who among the following is the first man (after Bjorn Borg in 1980) to win the French Open and Wimbledon Singles Title back to back ?
(A) Rafael Nadal
(B) Roger Federer
(C) John McEnroe
(D) Daniel Nestor
Ans : (A)

65. Which one of the following books had been named as winner of the Best of the Booker Award in 2008 ?
(A) The Enchantress of Florence
(B) Disgrace
(C) Midnight’s Children
(D) The Siege of Krishnapur
Ans : (C)

66. Which one of the following countries has recently carried out military operations in Georgia ?
(B) Poland
(C) Russia
(D) Kyrgyzstan
Ans : (C)

67. Which one of the following Committees/Commissions was formed to study and suggest pricing pattern for oil and natural gas sectors in India ?
(A) B. K. Chaturvedi Committee
(B) Sachar Committee
(C) B. N. Srikrishna Commission
(D) M. Veerapa Moily Commission
Ans : (A)

68. Which one of the following countries has adopted a new Constitution in the year 2008 aiming to pursue a modern, multi-party, democratic system and giving more power to the judiciary and legislature ?
(A) Japan
(B) Bhutan
(C) Maldives
(D) Singapore
Ans : (C)

69. Which one of the following countries has recently tested a twostage satellite launch rocket named the Safir-e-Omid or the Ambassador of Peace ?
(A) Israel
(B) Iran
(C) Pakistan
(D) Turkey
Ans : (B)

70. Consider the following statements about Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)—
1. The treaty comes into force only if and when all nuclear capable countries sign it.
2. Iraq and India have not signed the treaty.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
(A) 1 only
(B) 2 only
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans : (B)

71. In appreciation of his environmental research and campaigns, space agency NASA has recently named a minor planet after whom among the following ?
(A) Sainudeen Pattazhy
(B) Anil Agarwal
(C) Sunita Narayan
(D) R. K. Pachauri
Ans : (A)

72. Who among the following has issued the coin rupee for the first time ?
(A) Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
(B) Alauddin Khilji
(C) Sher Shah
(D) Akbar
Ans : (C)

73. Which one of the following was the original name of Tansen, the famous musician in the court of Akbar ?
(A) Mahananda Pande
(B) Lal Kalwant
(C) Baz Bahadur
(D) Ramtanu Pande
Ans : (D)

74. Who among the following was not a member of the Cabinet Mission ?
(A) Sir Stafford Cripps
(B) A. V. Alexander
(C) Radcliffe
(D) Pethwick Lawrence
Ans : (C)

75. What is the correct sequence of the following events ?
1. Rowlatt Act
2. Gandhi-Irwin Pact
3. Morley-Minto Reforms
4. Ilbert Bill
Select the correct answer using the codes given below—
Codes :
(A) 1, 2, 4, 3
(B) 4, 3, 1, 2
(C) 4, 1, 3, 2
(D) 3, 4, 1, 2
Ans : (B)

76. Under which one of the following systems of assessment, the British Government collected revenue directly from the farmers ?
(A) Zamindari
(B) Ryotwari
(C) Annawari
(D) Desaiwari
Ans : (B)

77. Who among the following has started the Public Works Department in India in AD 1848 ?
(A) Lord William Bentinck
(B) Lord Dalhousie
(C) Lord Wellesley
(D) Lord Cornwallis
Ans : (B)

78. Who among the following was thrice elected President of the Indian National Congress ?
(A) Dadabhai Naoroji
(B) Surendranath Banerjee
(C) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(D) Shankaran Nair
Ans : (A)

79. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
List-I (Person)
(a) G. K. Gokhale
(b) M. M. Malaviya
(c) C. Rajagopalachari
(d) V. V. Savarkar
List-II (Associated in Formation of)
1. Servants of India Society
2. Benaras Hindu University
3. Free India Society
4. Swatantra Party
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 4 3
(B) 3 4 2 1
(C) 1 4 2 3
(D) 3 2 4 1
Ans : (A)

80. Who among the following Urdu poets was invited to the Second and Third Round Table Conference ?
(A) Faiz Ahmad Faiz
(B) Josh Malihabadi
(C) Muhammad Iqbal
(D) Firaq Gorakhpuri
Ans : (C)

81. What is the correct sequence of the following events ?
1. Bardoli Satyagraha
2. Rajkot Satyagraha
3. Champaran Satyagraha
4. Nagpur Satyagraha
Select the correct answer using the codes given below—
Codes :
(A) 1, 2, 4, 3
(B) 4, 3, 1, 2
(C) 3, 1, 4, 2
(D) 3, 4, 1, 2
Ans : (C)

82. In which of the following years was the first Railway line between Bombay and Thane laid ?
(A) 1853
(B) 1854
(C) 1856
(D) 1858
Ans : (A)

83. Who among the following was not a party to the league that was defeated by the British in the Battle of Buxar ?
(A) Shuja-ud-daulah
(B) Shah Alam
(C) Mir Jafar
(D) Mir Kasim
Ans : (C)

84. In Buddhism, what does Patimokkha stand for ?
(A) A description of Mahayana Buddhism
(B) A description of Hinayana Buddhism
(C) The rules of the Sangha
(D) The questions of king Menander
Ans : (C)

85. Who among the following was the founder of the Muslim League ?
(A) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(B) Shaukat Ali
(C) Nawab Salimullah
(D) Aga Khan
Ans : (C)

86. Whose philosophy is called the Advaita ?
(A) Ramanujacharya
(B) Shankaracharya
(C) Nagarjuna
(D) Vasumitra
Ans : (B)

87. Consider the following Vice-Presidents of India—
1. V. V. Giri
2. M. Hidayatullah
3. B. D. Jatti
4. G. S. Pathak
Which one of the following is the correct chronology of their tenures ?
(A) 1, 4, 3, 2
(B) 2, 1, 3, 4
(C) 3, 2,1 , 4
(D) 4, 1, 3, 2
Ans : (A)

88. In which one of the following Ministries the census organization has been functioning on a permanent footing since 1961 ?
(A) Health and Family Welfare
(B) Home Affairs
(C) Social Justice and Empowerment
(D) Human Resource Development
Ans : (B)

89. Which of the following is not a recommendation of the Ashok Mehta Committee on Panchayati Raj ?
(A) Open participation of political parties in Panchayati Raj affairs
(B) Creation of a three-tier system
(C) Reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
(D) Compulsory powers of taxation to Panchayati Raj institution
Ans : (B)

90. With reference to the Constitution of India, which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
Subject — List
(A) Stock Exchange —The State List
(B) Forest —The Concurrent List
(C) Insurance —The Union List
(D) Marriage and Divorce —The Concurrent List
Ans : (A)

91. In which one of the following islands of India is an active volcano found ?
(A) Car Nicobar Island
(B) Nancowry Island
(C) Barren Island
(D) Maya Bunder Island
Ans : (C)

92. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
List-I (Pass)
(a) Zoji La Pass
(b) Bara Lacha Pass
(c) Jelep La Pass
(d) Niti Pass
List-II (State)
1. Sikkim
2. Uttarakhand
3. Himachal Pradesh
4. Jammu and Kashmir
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 1 3 2
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 4 3 1 2
(D) 2 1 3 4
Ans : (C)

93. Which one of the following longitudes determines the Indian Standard Time ?
(A) 85•5° E
(B) 86•5° E
(C) 84•5° E
(D) 82•5° E
Ans : (D)

94. Which one of the following is the oldest mountain range in India ?
(A) Himalayas
(B) Aravali
(C) Satpura
(D) Nilgiri
Ans : (B)

95. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
List-I (River)
(a) Brahmaputra
(b) Krishna
(c) Narmada
(d) Cauvery
List-II (Tributary)
1. Musi
2. Tawa
3. Bhavani
4. Dikhow
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 2 1 3
(B) 4 1 2 3
(C) 3 2 1 4
(D) 3 1 2 4
Ans : (B)

96. Which one of the following lakes in India has the highest water salinity ?
(A) Dal
(B) Chilika
(C) Wular
(D) Sambhar
Ans : (D)

97. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
River — City
(A) Gomti — Lucknow
(B) Saryu — Ayodhya
(C) Alaknanda — Badrinath
(D) Narmada — Satna
Ans : (D)

98. Which one of the following cities will never get the vertical rays of the sun ?
(A) Srinagar
(B) Mumbai
(C) Kolkata
(D) Thiruvananthapuram
Ans : (A)

99. Which of the following diseases is not caused by viruses ?
(A) Cholera
(B) Chickenpox
(C) Hepatitis
(D) Measles
Ans : (A)

100. Which one of the following sequences of the oil refineries of India as they occur from south to north is correct ?
(A) Kochi–Mangalore–Mumbai–Koyali
(B) Koyali–Mumbai–Mangalore–Kochi
(C) Kochi–Mumbai–Mangalore–Koyali
(D) Mangalore–Kochi–Mumbai–Koyali
Ans : (A)

101. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
List-I (Multipurpose River Project)
(a) Rihand
(b) Gandak
(c) Chambal
(d) Mahanadi
List-II (Hydel Power Station)
1. Hirakud
2. Balmikinagar
3. Pipri
4. Kota
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 4 2 1
(B) 1 2 4 3
(C) 3 2 4 1
(D) 1 4 2 3
Ans : (C)

102. Which one of the following States of India is the largest producer of lignite coal ?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Gujarat
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (D)

103. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
National Park — State
(A) Kanha National Park — Madhya Pradesh
(B) Sultanpur National Park — Haryana
(C) Ranthambore National Park — Gujarat
(D) Bandipur National Park — Karnataka
Ans : (C)

104. Which one of the following oil fields of India is the oldest and still producing oil ?
(A) Bombay High
(B) Digboi
(C) Ankleshwar
(D) Naharkatiya
Ans : (B)

105. The shaded area in the map given below is the major producer of which one of the following ?
(A) Cotton
(B) Groundnut
(C) Wheat
(D) Mustard
Ans : (B)

106. Which one of the following States is the largest producer of black pepper in India ?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Kerala
(C) Karnataka
(D) Andhra Pradesh
Ans : (B)

107. The Buddha delivered his first sermon, known as ‘Turning of the wheel of law’ at—
(A) Sanchi
(B) Sarnath
(C) Sravasti
(D) Bodh Gaya
Ans : (B)

108. Which one of the following is the longest National Highway in India ?
(A) NH 2
(B) NH 7
(C) NH 8
(D) NH 31
Ans : (B)

109. In human beings, the opening of the stomach into the small intestine is called—
(A) caecum
(B) ileum
(C) oesophagus
(D) pylorus
Ans : (D)

110. In which one of the following places is the Forest Survey of India (FSI), a national organization engaged in forest cover mapping, forest inventory and training in the field of remote sensing and GIS, located ?
(A) Dehradun
(B) Itanagar
(C) Ahmedabad
(D) Aizawl
Ans : (A)

111. The Veerapa Moily Commission in its report on Administrative Reforms among other aspects has suggested doing away with which one of the following pairs of Articles of the Constitution of India ?
(A) Articles 305 and 306
(B) Articles 307 and 308
(C) Articles 308 and 309
(D) Articles 310 and 311
Ans : (D)

112. Who among the following has created world record in the men’s 100 metres sprint event at 2008 Olympic Games ?
(A) Usain Bolt
(B) Churandy Martina
(C) Asafa Powell
(D) Walter Dix
Ans : (A)

113. What does Fuwa, the Official Mascot of the 2008 Olympic Games, contain ?
(A) Four popular animals of China and the Olympic Flame
(B) Five popular animals of China and the map of China
(C) Five popular animals of China
(D) Four popular animals of China and the world map
Ans : (A)

114. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
List-I (Year)
(a) 2002
(b) 2004
(c) 2005
(d) 2008
List-II (UN’s International Year)
1. International Year of Ecotourism
2. International year of Microcredit
3. International year of Planet Earth
4. International year of Struggle against Slavery and its abolition
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 4 2 1
(B) 1 4 2 3
(C) 3 2 4 1
(D) 1 2 4 3
Ans : (B)

115. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
Person — Bank
(A) O. P. Bhatt — SBI
(B) K. V. Kamath — ICICI
(C) Aditya Puri — HDFC
(D) Vikram Pandit — IDBI
Ans : (D)

116. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
Nobel Laureate — Discipline of 2008
(A) Martti Ahtisaari —Peace
(B) Yoichiro Nambu —Physics
(C) Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio —Literature
(D) Osamu Shimomura —Physiology
Ans : (D)

117. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
List-I (Player)
(a) Gagan Narang
(b) Akhil Kumar
(c) Mangal Singh Champia
(d) Virdhawal Khade
List-II (Sports)
1. Archery
2. Swimming
3. Boxing
4. Rifle Shooting
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 1 3 2
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 4 3 1 2
(D) 2 1 3 4
Ans : (C)

118. Consider the following statements about IAEA—
1. It was set up as the world’s Atoms for Peace organization in 1957.
2. The IAEA Secretariat is headquartered at the Vienna International Centre in Vienna, Austria.
3. In terms of its Statute, the IAEA reports annually to the UN General Assembly.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 1 only
(C) 2 and 3 only
(D) 3 only
Ans : (A)

119. Who among the following has been awarded the Officer of the Legion of Honour, the highest civilian distinction of the Government of France ?
(A) N. R. Narayana Murthy
(B) Ratan Tata
(C) K. M. Birla
(D) Mukesh Ambani
Ans : (A)

120. Madhya Pradesh shares its border with how many States ?
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6
Ans : (C)

Have Fun Learning Creativity

You have some great ideas. You toss them around in your mind. You tell friends about them. They go nowhere. Why? They go nowhere because of what your friends said or because you have the misconception that only a select few are able to unleash a steady flow of creative genius. And, you, of course, couldn't be one of that select group. That is not true at all.

Anyone who has creative genius will tell you that creativity is very much like a muscle that needs to be developed in order to perform at top efficiency. If you don't learn how to develop creative thinking, this skill, like a muscle will become withered and useless to you when you most need it. On the other hand, keep working at it and this skill will soon be ready for action whenever you need it.

So how do you develop your own personal style of creative thinking?

Well, the first thing is to realize your brain has a greater capacity and speed than the world's biggest and fastest super computer. That's right! Even the world's biggest and fastest super computer cannot store as much information or handle it faster than your brain. You are not limited like a super computer because your brain is not limited and that's where creativity comes from - your brain. It doesn't come from thin air, it comes from within you and you already have the tools needed to exercise it.

So, the first thing is to begin absorbing as much information as you can every day. Grab as much knowledge and learning as you can find. Read, watch, and listen to everything available -- good and bad. Don't judge anything at this point of development because it's not the content that is important, only the process of absorption. Keep your mind open to the infinite possibilities that each piece of information presents. The more you know, the more you'll want to know, and the more your brain will be exercised. Prepare to be amazed at little facts that add a bit of color to your conversations with people. They will begin to see you in a new light.

Next, focus on a creative activity every day. This is as simple as doodling. Doodling is a creative activity. Don't let anything hinder you. Just doodle away, mindlessly. You will unleash a little bit of creative thinking and it will be encouraging to see something you created. In addition to doodling, practice drawing something specific for a couple of minutes each day. You might unleash the artist in you.

Or, grab a camera and start snapping photos of anything and everything. Don't try to be "artsy,” just snap away! You might find you have a knack for photography.

Keep a journal and make a point to write in it at the end of each day. Describe your experiences using words that capture your five senses. What did it smell like, taste like, feel like - you get the idea? You may discover a writer lurking in your brain.

In a short time you'll have built yourself a tiny portfolio or doodles, art, photographs and writings and you'll be amazed at the growth of your creativity. You might actually enjoy those exercises so much that they will become a part of you and you'll be addicted to them.

You've heard it said - Think out of the box. Well, not just yet. Be aware of constraints or blocks to your creative process. Constraints are actually a good thing. It's your brain telling you it needs more knowledge about that which you are struggling. Constraints are the brain's mechanisms to force discipline upon you. Discipline forces you to be more resourceful. Creative freedom is great, but limitations are too. There must be balance.

Oscar winner, Anthony Hopkins, would just get in his car and drive across country alone with no destination in particular. It helped him experience different people in different parts of the country, away from the unreality of Hollywood. These little trips helped him to become a better actor.

Try something new every day and let your experiences broaden your view of the world and people around you. Explore a new neighborhood in your town. Spend an afternoon in a museum to which you've never been before. Chat up someone in the checkout line at the store. You need to open up to the people around you. You need to step out of your comfort zone more and more each day. This will heighten your sense of adventure and your zest for life.

Think about it. When was the last time you did something out of your comfort zone? When you stay in your comfort zone, you miss out on a whole lot of experiences that could add to your growth - emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually.

I would love to try bungee jumping and skydiving but I'm a coward when it comes to risking life and limb. If you have the courage, go for it! At the very least, you will have plenty of exciting stories to share, enabling you to develop your storytelling skills, making you the life of any gathering. People will love to hear you tell about doing the things they only dream of doing.

This next thing will seem nutty. It is. You need to embrace insanity. I'm not talking about the kind that will land you in a rubber room. As John Russell once said, "Sanity calms, but madness (insanity) is more interesting."

History shows that nearly every creative thinker was once deemed insane by "normal" people. Lucky for us, the critics couldn't stop the creative geniuses from changing the world. Being "normal" confines’ people to think - normally, that is, to think within limits society has deemed to be normal. Creativity is essentially ignoring those limits, within the Law, of course. Your creativity may seem bizarre and downright strange to the "normals.” Ignore them and seek out others who also ignore the "normals" of this world. They will know how to help you to cultivate your new sense of creativity.

Now, a word of caution as you step out in your search for creativity. Don't strive to develop a creative "personality." There is a difference between a creative personality and creative thinking. Examples of wacky creative personalities would be George Washington, who often rode into battle naked, or James Joyce, who wrote "Dubliners" with beetle juice because he had an intense fear of ink, or Albert Einstein, who thought his cat was a spy sent by his rival. They were all great men, for sure, but a little wacky at times because they lost touch with reality.

It's important that your creativity doesn't blind you to the real world. Keep your feet on the ground and your head in the clouds! (Look familiar?)

Starting today, begin thinking beyond your "limits." Follow these steps and you'll soon be living a life full of interesting and exciting adventures. Your new level creative thinking will bring about a new zest for living life.

Who knows, your idea might be the next great idea to change the world